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For a
Remote Transfer of Pure Luck Energy
Yes, Athena, I understand how urgent the situation is, and I want to get rid of the influence of that ill-intentioned woman hovering around me, once and for all.
I want to receive and be wrapped in all the Pure Luck Energy you can channel onto me, in order to finally get my due in life.
- As such, please perform the REMOTE TRANSFER OF PURE LUCK ENERGY on the date you will send me via email.
I will not have anything to do but follow your very simple secret instructions, which you will send me along with the date of the Remote Transfer in order to maximize my reception of the Pure Luck Energy you will channel onto me.
I perfectly understand that this REMOTE TRANSFER OF PURE LUCK ENERGY is known to be so effective that no known malevolent presence could have any chance to resist it. Moreover, the spectacular effect of this remote transfer supposedly forcefully deflects all the evil intentions initially aimed at me towards the ill-intentioned person that initially sent them. This is quite a serious backlash, but a well-deserved one!
- I also thank you in advance for the Mysterious Gift you will also send me: a secret High Magic tool that holds uncanny benevolent Power.
I know that it will be priceless for me, not only during the Remote Transfer, but also later on by allowing me to prolong the effects of said Remote Transfer for as long as might be required.
In return for this Remote Transfer session, and all the important preparatory work required, please receive my contribution amounting to only US$69.00 a friendly privileged discount over the US$129.00 usually required for such an intervention.
When I click this button, my credit card will be charged an additional US$69.00 on top of my previous order.